Val di Sogno® awaits you!

It is possible to check availability and rates on your own, directly from our search system, without having to book right now. Click on BOOKING here at the bottom right, enter the arrival and departure dates in the white box at the top left in the box YOUR SEARCH, click at the bottom on the blue box CHECK AVAILABILITY and you will see the updated list of rooms still available with their description, pictures, services and rates conditions. The possibilities of research are endless.
05.05.2024 - 06.10.2024

Save One Night 7=6

Experience a relaxing stay on Lake Garda with all the wonders of a unique area, rich in culture,

outdoor experiences and scintillating fun.

In addition, if you stay with us for at least 7 nights, we will offer you 1 night free!

Offer valid in the period indicated below:

16.05 – 31.05.2024

07.07 – 21.07.2024

16.08 – 31.08.2024

08.09 – 06.10.2024


Note: Limited offer subject to availability.

In the period between 17.05 – 21.09.2024, the Val di Sogno Suite, the Skylight Suite, the Junior Suite Romantica and Shiny Bay are excluded from the promotion.